All locates, including emergencies are in scope. Specifically, the consortium will provide:
Common Alliance Service Agreement including Common Terms & Conditions i.e. Liability clause, insurance, etc.
The purpose of a common agreement and terms is to have a best in class contract that reduces administration for the LSP. Common terms ensure that the contract terminates on the same date for all Utilities eliminating overlapping contracts that would complicate the selection process.
Common Standard Processes & Specifications
One of the accomplishments we are most proud of is the Common Procedures Manual. This manual was developed using the ORCGA best practices as well as elements from existing Utility locate procedures. The result is an end procedures manual that explains exactly what is required when completing a locate. This resolves issues where one Utility had different expectations than another, causing confusion and inconsistent locates. The common procedures simplifies the process for the LSP and provides a more consistent, understandable locate for the excavator.
Common Pricing format, billing process, QA process, EH&S requirements, contractor qualifications etc.
As a LAC member you are entitled to the same pricing and discounts as any other member in the geographic area regardless of volumes. The results in a simplified billing system and provides further discounts as mebership increases. LAC LSP’s are required to complete monthly reports that summarize results from their Quality Assurance program and Environment Health & Safety audits. These reports are then reviewed by the member Utilities to ensure all targets have been met.
Individual Facility Owner Terms and Conditions and Technical Specification
Each Utility is unique and may have requirements specific to their operations that are not covered by the Common Terms and Conditions or the Common Manual. Knowing this we encourage each member to add any special requirements they have to either the contract or the manual by way of an appendix.